Father-Mother God Teachings of the Violet Flame 7/30/23
Dearest of All Lights;
I pray no matter what dimension and Universe that all living beings be filled with the Pure Light healing fire of the Holy Spirit/Noor/Light/Luz be cleansed and the Compassions (Christlike Light) of Ascended Master Jesus embodiment of the masculine and Kuan Yin embodiment of the the feminine be surround and bathing you inside and out for the preparation of the Universal Violet Flame of Father-Mother God energies of the the Divine. The Highest Power to dissolve all systems of separatism, invasion, taking from the environment and living systems and ways of being that destroy Mother Earth, the Waters, The Air and the Fire. That any and all afflictions be dissolved of mind, body, spirit and astrally and all unseen, unheard, unfelt and unknowing that are not equating to your Wholeness in Violet Flame Fire Healing be dissolved. That all races not see the differences and dissolve ignorance knowing and unknowingly, all hate, all judgment and all selfish means of existence that do not equal the abundance and deservingness of all existing with wonderful dwellings and living conditions. That all trafficking of human, animal and mineral or plant be dissolved, all systems of torture, imprisonment and all self affliction that some deserve and some do not is dissolved. That we awaken into the light of truth and see what needs changing so our quality of life is improved on earth…the right to worship in the light, gather, better ways of self sufficiency by providing havens that teach us, heal us and support us in joint effort as a Whole Society/Community to Serve each and Everyone in the Highest good, mentally, physically and spiritually. That our leaders, our politicians, our military, police and firemen and border patrols are taught to be compassionate and discerning and know that they represent service to the community and people in the Highest Good with all functioning the Higher Self and believe all that we see are recognized as seen, valued and heard. That anger is transformed into love, that hate is seen as acceptance and understanding, that inaction is made into positive action and movement for the betterment of all and we are all whole in the Violet Flame. That forgiveness and creating Warriors of Peace and breaking down barriers of varied gender identifications is a process we learn that we are all sacred no matter what our gender orientations or preferences. That we understand that war and annihilation are not spiritual and take more time to learn, dialogue, confirm and understand. That we within ourselves break down the all embracing Flame of Understanding, Wholeness and Being in this Universe or others so we do not create a wall of fear and walls of any borders to any and understand all we want is the right to exist in peace and vise versa.
It was an honor to do a healing for some asked of me lately but I was directed by Priest Melchizedek to allow him to do the work for all in their own spaces of Violet Flame in and around all life forms so that the enemy within our mind, our Ancestors, our Pure Light Helpers were Healed today and onwards. To allow the Violet Flame to do a Universal Healing and am Grateful to be the tool or simple channel without Ego without judgment with acceptance to those near and dear to me and we all have forgiveness and develop onwards systems that repair, mend and heal all for the right of full potential in our roles on earth and in the upper realms. May all the Spiritual Helpers we know and all we know and do not know are healed today and onwards. What a humbling witness to this potential beyond our belief systems, beyond any term we call control or divisions and a wider spectrum that we all can heal together whatever it may be, trauma, or feeling alone or being separated and we harmonize and reunite with our Sacred Selves repaired and ready to function from the Higher Self and with the Higher Pure Light Helpers’ Realm in Alignment with the Grace and Goodness we are all deserving of. Let us forgive ourselves with holding on to and believing systems of harm to division and denying all the right to the potential to heal and have a beautiful life on earth with full Violet Flame potential. I ask all and any to believe in this Flame and have the acceptance and gratitude that all are deserving of Transmutation, Light, Healing and Love. I am honored and thank Priest Melchizedek for the teachings of distant healing in the Highest Good and Potential for All. Much love, Aho, Namaste and All Salutations of Gratitude in the Light Reparations of Wholeness. No lack, no blocks and no doubt or fear….all dissolved Moving Forward in the Blessings of Father-Mother God’s Violet Flame…Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Deep bow for all here and now and onwards. (Picture by Joy Shuliana noted on the piece of art used here and any time on this blog).
