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Hello Healing Lights:

I want to write about pendulums. A pendulum can be a chain or cord that has a bead or rock or crystal threaded or attached to it then hangs downward or like the one pictured below. You hold the end of the chain or cord and the crystal or stone or bead hangs downward. In order to understand pendulums; you must know their basic communication to you. As the movement or way it moves tells you or non movement, is a 'yes' or 'no' to a question or no movement (haha find out for yourself in real time) or spinning means the energy is high.

As an advanced science student in high school; I took a class with a teacher who knew my interests and he had a washer tied to a cord. He was studying the force of energy. He asked us to hold the end of the cord and the washer hang down. He asked, "Students please move the cord." Some just swung their wrists or purposely spiraled them like crazy with the force of their fingers and hands. Our teacher said, "Stop. I want you to hold it still without moving wrists or fingers steady and move it. I then understood what he said because I was a shy and quiet observer. As taught by my parents as they saw and heard my healing abilities develop to be this way in front of the public.

I began to use my mind to shift it a little. Then I began to command the object to move after engaging with it to move left and right front and back and forward only and back to center, etc. I then asked the object to move circular and my teacher was fascinated. He started watching me and I was so into playing with this object he never said it was a pendulum but a washer on a cord. I then began to spin it and faster and faster. He was fascinated. It wasn't til many years later that I began Shamanism.

At 38 years old, I was tired of hiding myself and start working on my gifts and being with other healers to accept me and myself. My teacher of Shamanism asked me to work on a person on the floor and a few others as we took turns in our training. He had a pendulum and said it picks and moves by the energy. I was busy working on the person and unknowingly he snuck up and put the pendulum over my head and it spun wide and highly at a high speed. I was accessing the high vibrations in the highest good for me to service the person. I didn't look up and the group awwweed. I didn't want to look as I gave my teacher as he knew me...'You rascal! kind of look. I smiled and went back to my spot in circle as this was a private and sacred space to grow.

You can use pendulums on people, photos, maps, documents, pets or objects or letters or cards to get an answer if working with another's energy for incite to understand them. I do so much on my own and then allow Spirit to tell me to mingle or reveal. I guess it is high time. Enjoy discoveries and self discovery with the pendulum. Do it with respect, understanding, love and truth.

Much loving light hugs. Love yourself so much that you fall in love and then after you understand you come from and are love...then you've reached your wholeness. Much love.


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