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Blue Thunder Healing's Sound Immersion 9/19 7:30-9 p.m. at Healium Center

$20 adv/$25 door tickets available for this Thursday's Monthly Sound Immersion with me and my Beloved Assistant. Visit us on Healium Center's events page or

For those who didn't know, since last summer and the summer before, my daughter, my assistant was in a bad car accident 2nd year in a row. Both times rear-ended at a standstill.

She is unable to work. We are family and attending to her needs. She is making some slow progress and appreciate all your prayers for her healing and the help of those actually showing up and feeding her and helping when they can. She's a person who serves even when she is at a low in life. She is learning who real friends are.

I wish to thank you for your patience and all your loving and healing vibrations for her healing. There are Earth Angels indeed we are grateful for. Although, our schedules are functioning at a rate we can manage; people seem to not understand the stress and love of

having one less so active and strong from the family to help the community nor the frequency we can manage events as years passed.

Thank you for your support and understanding as my husband and I service your sound healing vibrational needs. We hope to have her back soon. We remain strong and dedicated to servicing the community in our own capacity. Thank you for your understanding and prayers.

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