Day of Prayer, Healing, Unity, Forgiveness, Peace & Oneness by Blue Thunder Healing 10/8/2024
Day of Prayer, Healing, Unity, Forgiveness and Peace October 8, 2024 Blue Thunder Healing
Today was another beautiful Fall day in Georgia. Stone Mountain was calling us to hike again. Without any pup to babysit of my daughter’s this time. My husband took my travel portable folding didgeridoo, the Unconditional Love Drum - the Elk skinned one and the toad noise maker. We went to another section where we went through a bridge on foot and parked above. It was a beautiful day and people were here and there. The lake was beautiful and calm. It was lunch time so it was very serene.
We hiked a bit and sat on a huge granite stone in the ground next to the lake and passed the Yurts and the RV area and the docking of the paddle boards, boats and kayak launches. We usually parked close to that point sitting facing the lake to enjoy the gentle clear breeze on this sunny day. Instead, we weaved into the trails and walked almost completely around the islandlike area and faced the Yurts. I then listened as I walked greeting all the elements, the nature spirits and all life of the elements and the Universe and Cosmos and all Pure Light Helpers. I remembered the story of the Canadian Tinglit tribe of the goddess Ghyldeptis meaning synthesis and how the elements were fighting in chaos. Listen to the Harmony and Wholeness storytelling on my Blue Thunder Healing Podcast on IHeartradio, Amazon, iTunes, Spotify and enjoy.
As I sat there I saluted the 7 directions in my mind as everything is intentional. I then saluted the power animals of my own who ran through the forest to enjoy the freedom to explore. I was already protected and white light surrounded me and my beloved. I was ready to honor the elements and remind them of the story of Ghyldeptis and how she had a feast to bring them together to honor and pledge peace between each other. I knew that this also comes from the beings of free will on this planet and others to choose peace, to live and produce with peace and release all toxic ways of being, thinking and living so our future can be clear and clean of all negativity and any toxic debris in peace.
I then saw them in bodily form take place of the air, the water, the fire and the wind and even the metal and wood. They were coming together and asked them to forgive us the tormentors, destroyers and negative creators of this energy disrupting their existence in peace. They had stood and one by one each element I saw them crying. I then played my didgeridoo to help them heal. I asked them with my chanting please forgive us please forgive us and please have peace please have peace. They then joined in a large crowd of elements in peace together as I chanted and played the prayers into wholeness as they gathered closer to each other and became peaceful. I was honored to see this as we walked. I had also chanted the angels take the lost souls from the indigenous, the slaves and the slave owners or KKK to be absolved of divisional or hateful thinking and their souls taken to chambers of heavenly healing not to wander.
I then asked the elements again for forgiveness. I then asked the water and earth to release any sentimental beings and tokens of sentimental and loving memory so that the earthly ones could honor them and bury them. I asked the clarity in helping the affected to be comforted and provided for and really think about whether to return to the same space if the weather would be detrimental and destructive again in the future and find that home and space is in the mind and where we are settled and are at peace. We need to know that even if we lose our home; that the test is not to make you suffer but to assist in what really matters is peace and stability in the mind, the emotions and the way we live in peace as One.
As I was playing I cried tears of forgiveness and felt the hotspots of the earth where wars, reservations, prisons and other places where compassion take place and non attachment so we could move forward in our lives and heal. I asked all production of weapons and usage be unusable for us to hurt or destroy anything.I cried and played and I stood up as I was asked to stand and chant and sway back and forth left to right feet and we moved our energies of releases into peace. I chanted and danced with channeled ancestral soul song for the waters that I stood by to embrace the tears and into healing sent forth to all the elements, the plants, the rock/crystal family, the furry, clawed, feathered, scaly and insect world. That the nature spirits and the elementals that work from pure light and compassion or be absorbed into it be a family in peace. A planet sending this healing within and outside into the whole Universe and sharing it with the other Universes.
When this was done, I saw my jaguar and groundhog and hare ride on the jaguar as my bear surrounded and had me sit like a cub and it my Mother protecting me and then the others came then the flying ones layered up higher and higher above my head until it reminded me of the Pure Light of the Holy Spirit and the reminder that the Sacred Medicine Wheel is the form of the Christian cross. I then was reflecting that we are one and what we interpret as peace and pure light is the focus in Oneness. Then I called upon the Goddesses of Alchemy and Mystery to assist, the Goddess of Compassion with Non Attachment, the Goddess of the Hathors, the Goddess Meditation for Light Widom and Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene and the Golden Temple Dragon of the Sophia Tribe and Sophia. I called upon the Great White Buffalo Woman. All our Mothers of Positive Purpose and Healing to assist us all into Oneness and Peace. I spoke to the Archangels and asked them to be present and asked AA Gabriel when the next mysteries would be revealed and he said after the elections in the next new year. I thank the Gods and Goddesses, the angelic kingdom, saints, sages and pure light workers to assist in the great need of forgiveness, oneness and peace and be in wholeness.
I thanked all the nature spirits and the elements working with pure light and compassion assisting in the balance and healing of all their responsibilities of passion to receive blessings to them and their kin and family. Then thank them all for this healing.
It was a message that we must listen to and the White Buffalo Vowed to visit all parts of our planets to impart oneness, peace and unity and then send it out to the universe and other universes as its power was great and much needed by all of us near or far or this universe or others. I saw the Whtie Buffalo duplicate itself to other Universes to spread this energy created as a medicine to assist all in healing so we can think like the Galapagos Island folks to be at peace, live in peace, give ourselves a quality life and take care of how we produce in harmony with nature and all resources. This is a great lesson and intention to share with you.
Much love and honor to serve. Aho, peace, and peace to all. Let us be one with ourselves and then we can be one with others and expand this energy. Much love. Digital Image by Freepik
