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Happy Winter Solstice

The release of darkness is essential to be the Light. This is a powerful time to reflect, manifest your next transformation and be the Loving Light you are Part of the God/Goddess.

Blessings on this seasonal dedication of the Winter that reminds us the warmth of our heart to ourselves and each other and every being of creation be bathed in all the love this holiday. That the heart energy is the most important then material gifts, rituals that lead to stress and habits we believed were 'ancestral' are triggered that change in the way we walk this earth in our Light and Love is only needed towards Universal Peace, Love and Transformation as a Unit of One without separation. See each other in love than divide, conquer, judgment or negativity. We are all evolving in so many aspects of transformation. We are Divinity and rightly so we must conduct ourselves as each breath, each heart beat, each step, each thought and word be of this in perpetual motion towards ONENESS. I love you all and Namaste, Happy Holidays and continue to focus on the power of Choosing the Light, Love, Peace over the Dark, Hate and Chaos. Feel what feels good to you. You have the power. Until next time. Thank you for BE-ing here.


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