Learning from Thoth - My Own Development
So far I have read the Emerald Tablets by Dr. Bill Carson (Compendium)
Such mind blowing information and still my mind and body is processing what my soul so clearly understands…The Halls of Amenti…I kept hearing this with a cd by Inlakesh in the light with didgeridoo and they would say place in the song in the Garden of Radiant Light…amazing.
Things slowly coming into fruition. My fear of not understanding or learning might mind blowing me is there but it is because the wisdom is so vast. I ask myself how can I assimilate this into my mind and body? How will I serve in the Light with good service?
Thoth has placed his ‘mask’ on my face, the Ibis-like mask. I sit with this and still am in fear of becoming what I don’t understand and stay in the Light. He is of the Light and patient with my processing. The monks chant in prayers for me to ‘remember’ what I used to know even when in my past life in Egypt I knew more now as Seer for Pharoah. I felt like a child fumbling and yet I know it is inevitable and pray for calm in this journey and to understand.
Thoth then sometimes encourages me as I sit in meditation journeys…He is ominous looking but yet he is the Bearer of Light Wisdom. I am frightened by the mix of darkness he comes in and yet is light. He is like the void in which we speak in my meditations to journey to be rebirthed into Light. He speaks of the entries in the Pyramid Chambers into the Halls of Amenti.
He has come to tell me in meditation more information about our development and efforts of the darkness to keep us ignorant or not even journey into the Light wisdom which is below in the Underworld…in the darkness/void we rebirth and manifest and let go of our darkness and our limitations. I pray my limitations are let go of and at divine timing and pace so I don’t go crazy…I don’t want to be like my Dad…touched yet has light wisdom he casts aside in fear in his own doing to limit himself because he has been exposed to much programming of limitations and possibilities of Light via this Chamber.
I sit in meditation as Thoth again comes to me as I wear the mask of the Ibis. I am trying to trust the Dark image of him but yet he opens into the Light. It is like a sunrise coming from the horizon and I am looking and will it come closer to me. I sit with this. He tells me not to listen to the Temples of Light yet but some phrases seem so natural to me…He is right…I used to know this Wisdom.
I then ask if I proceed to get the batteries so the cd player can work and then I forget…he says it is because it is not the time as you are still assimilating energetically the wisdom you’ve learned. I then am told it will be when I am ready.
Today I rose to try not to avoid Thoth’s revelations. He has me urged into my spiritual room so to sit facing the sun rise and I sit with Light and my protectors are called. I call the White Knights of the BrotherHood, Temple Guardians and the Temple Dragon appears and one in front and one in back of me and the Sophia Tribe Golden Temple Dragon on my left and on my right. They spin around me in layers but it is the Galactic Guardians that guard me. My power animal for my earthly body is Groundhog and my Sacred body is my Temple Dragon. Thoth appears and places the mask of the Raven on me. I was told that usually the monks' heads are shaved or initiated is what I am. I am in fear truthfully telling Thoth this but he takes me into the Halls of Amenti into the Pyramid and there is much chanting from the monks in service to him…He says they have allowed you to keep your long hair and wear this Ibis mask. I see the burial chambers of sarcophaguses and I see mine is the ornate one. I see the golden plain one without a covering on top on it for rebirth from a husband of past life having his own issues he will have to return Thoth says as he misunderstands your role in his life to only advise and be stronger thinking and doing for himself not interpreting otherwise. I see my Beloved’s sarcophagus and it is golden and so beautiful…Then I see my son’s sarcophagi which is a floating pyramid like a black stone of onyx one above his sarcophagi…he has come into the earth plane this advanced being and my daughter a white one with lapis lazuli. I am so happy to see that we are all evolving. The monks keep chanting for me..praying for my own mental and physical ascension and assimilation my soul understands. I thank Thoth for being so patient with me. The chanting as I appeared in the Halls of Amenti welcomed me and bathed me with sacredness. I tell him I fear him and trying not to push away the wisdom..I say to myself why fear as I have meditated and traveled into the void and the shadow worlds many times. I feel others energies returned back to them as I sit in meditation. I return back to my body and am grateful to all pure light guardians and helps.
Much love. Picture by phaeselis.wikia.com