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New Year's Even Meditation of Loss leading to Transformation

Happy New Year's Eve. The journey of repair, releases and self love was a personal journey with my immediate family. I am only posting the intimate details to them. The gist of it is seeing a loved one entwined with the tentacles of issues to resolve and your forgiveness, revelation to heal with your loved one can be done alone or together. In this journey, we did a family healing with the sword of truth; tentacles were cut on the deceased. Then a noose of more emphasis of issues was replaced and each dissolved with their own words and willingness to heal, forgive themselves and the loved one and then these were dissolved each time a confession was made to each other.

This realm was the upper realm of pure golden compassionate light supporting each of us. Suspended in the air and then each making a pact to be pure love of self and be whole. Each dissolved their own nooses of any anger, despair or frustration of unsaid illusions to each other.

As they healed, the golden light was brighter and I asked them to see that there is no separation in love and there is not dimension or distance them as a barrier. Only love prevails here and we can reach each other no matter whether it is the upper realm or earth.

I asked the Violet Flame of Father and Mother God the symbol of release, rejuvenation and removing any karmic ties or unhealthy ties to absolve and dissolve all remaining muck.

Like my Beloved says the Lotus and Muck must exist to become a beautiful flower of purity and compassion. Let us love and forgive and be whole again. Much love. Do this for you and do it for the sake of being Whole again. The Universe is waiting for you to stay on your Divine Path but recognize you are Divine after removing the barriers of mind, body or spirit. Much Love and Happy New Year's Eve.


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