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Planting You to Grow Again

This is a repost of Spring but you have growth periods even during down times!

Meditation this week emphasized the season of Spring to come. Rebirth and how the old is cast out of the Self (yourself) and the like a garden you create a space for YOU and then plant your seedling the concept of you to rebirth. As the elements of the fire, air, water & Mother earth cradles review what you need to feed your new self, ideas, dream, manifestation of the goals and transforming yourself completely.

You breath in the pure white light to release all that is not of your Divinity. You are not a label and your are not the past. You are unlimited creative beings seeing yourself as the beautiful flower forming of YOU; you see weeds growing...habitual ideas/thought patterns and you know what you need to do for yourself...remove these blockages, fears and unnecessary ideas of your own mind and continue nurturing and caring for your New Self breath in a pink soft light of love that as you breath in enfolds and touches each cell with self love. You breath in more love as you are certain, sure and know who you are and what steps you need to clear the path into REBIRTH. Come back to your earthly body as your Sacred as taken you on a journey returning back to the Divinity of you. Walk strong and celebrate your REBIRTH...Happy Spring...

This is your opportunity to keep reinforcing the positive light you are. Much Much Love.


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