Sol Dance in Piedmont Park Working with the Ancestors, Community, Directions and Elements Experience
Experience on Sunday at Piedmont Park. I am a stickler for being early to set up. I arrived and had a long walk to find the space for servicing the regular and new community in that area. It was a overcast day in the morning. I was asking Spirit what instruments to take for the Sol Dance slot in this Free FeelGood Music fest. I was told to bring the same ones as planned before getting ill.
I then saw a DJ named David. He was familiar but I got the person wrong. Luckily, he was kind enough to tell me who he was. I then started to clear energetically the space for the purpose. I danced to the 7 directions and invited only joyful pure light energies of that space and beyond to celebrate life, transforming and releasing. There was a group of young men similar to the age of the drum line...haha! I told myself "Oh well!" Just prepare the space and not care. During the dance then started to appeal to the Elements of the Sky and SkyGods for the sun, clouds, Rain Goddesses to allow some light in humility and mercy for all to enjoy this day in the space and beyond this park all universally. I danced and played my bowl the ancient way. I thank the 4 elements working in harmony and mercy to allow the good weather for all to enjoy and in gratitude. It was an honor. I didn't know everyone was showing up a little
Then a few regular beloveds showed up and we danced a bit complimenting each other in their own beingness. I was sitting while the rest showed up and giving grace. The sun came out. I was grateful. It was going to be a beautiful day. As more people arrived. Then as I was meditating about the blessing and giving thanks and having a great energy and time; one of the regulars pointed out that a hawk just outside the pavilion was sitting on the highest point. The blessing was he was the messenger for the Messenger. The Hawk is the Messenger of the Gods and a good sign for all. Then another woman said it was there for me. No I said to was Spirit. It was not unusual for me but it was unusual for some. I just wanted to share. Maybe I may be weird to some. I show up in my blue hair and danced.
I also learned what a drum line etiquette was as I am no musician or experienced being in a band. I asked a fellow musician what is a drum line if I am in a circle? I was told a drum line is the space between each drummer to see each other in alignment. It was something new to me. Anyway, moving onwards I understand. I am so glad to have a compassionate friend help me understand that music terminology. Sometimes, I hear words or equipment names or slang that I have no idea what musicians are talking about:) Anyway, with patience and open harmonic communications and taking & making the time to slow down and understand even more is what we need to strive to understand each other.
Lessons everyday towards understanding and peace with flow be with you today and always. Loving Light Hugs!
