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Why do We have Lighthouses?

Why do we have lighthouses? It is a building that towers above the sea levels from long distances to attract those to land and safe harbor. A lighthouse is constructed over time with a strong foundation and fortress of being able to withstand the storms and chaos of the oceans and ships know that land is nearby if the weather creates the situation that then this is the time to look for the light. The light is the path to foundation and being seen and just being a light is all that is required.

Sometimes, some people are attracted to lighthouses and the symbolism spiritually it does provide. If you are a fisherman or a captain or crew on a vessel whether great or small is a way of hope and seeing through the storm that there is a place of peace and refuge during our own storms.

The waters are our emotions and then we feel these. The water is life and all life depends on the waters and on the land we need a place to land to appreciate the plants and animals. All the elements of the air and the fire/sun and moon are lights to assist us back on track to a path of being with the light that can ignite our own lights. 

We must understand, nature is a reflection of our being, our spirituality and how we see ourselves and treat each other? Are we treating all in wellness and respect for being? Do we see ways we can evolve in spirit and our bodies take the actions with our mindset reset in nature to take care of our home planet and all that dwell on it. We all deserve the high vibrations in mind and spirit and for our bodies as well. Are we to ask if we are united in ourselves? Then if we are; we can be united amongst each other…no matter the life form or element that we are. We have to get to know ourselves as peace ... .are we constructive or are we at an unrest in the precipice of self destruction? What we want for ourselves; is something we want for others. This is the compassionate being of existence that will give us quality longevity living a light path in our temples of flesh and in alignment with our spirit.

I just wanted to share this with you today. Tom Bluewolf is an inspiration in his youtube videos regarding Indaba. We have shared conversations about indaba and he has talked about this for so long. When we understand what this is then healing begins. Can we come together recreating a high vibrational and constructive existence so we all thrive not survive. Survival is desperation and we must remove our mindset of survival and live in high vibrational thriving. Meeting all basic needs is the doorway to unlimited creative beings of high vibrational possibilities.

So let’s work together in recreating the life of light and bring Heaven on Earth again. It is not a separate being as both can be together united. No more division and dissecting our understanding of things…this is a cumulative way of being with the absence of ego getting in charge anymore. I believe the positive possibilities can be in fruition of positive states of being. We are souls in our temple of flesh and we can evolve in light together. There’s no other way to be but through compassion and unity of creating a heavenly earthly domain. It’s not hard if we work together to break the unhealthy patterns of being and existing together. 

I wish you and pray for us to be One and living a high vibrational life together as one big family no matter what form we come in. Respect, acceptance via conversations and peace with harmony is a choice. Which do you choose? I hope you choose peace, harmony and thrive together in the light wisdom evolving into fleshly and physical manifestations of light on earth. Thank you for being here. Namaste, Peace to you and Thank you for Being here. Photo by Courtney Corlew


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