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Ethiopian Flavor Coconut Fish Stew By AllergyFreeChef/Bluethunder63

Dearest Ones;

I've been exploring the Ethiopian spice called "Berbare" which is an ground low heat spice combination to flavor your meats/fish or curries. You can find this spice in African store, farmers's international markets or Middle Eastern grocery stores.

Here's the recipes:

Take one acorn squash (fits in the size of your palm)

Take 1/2 the acorn squash diced

3/4 cup coconut unsweetened milk

1/2 cup veg. broth unsalted

1 Tablespoon Ethiopian Berbare spice

pinch of sea salt if no salt in the spice mixture

1/2 medium onion diced

1 filet of cod skinned and no bones or head

1 Tablespoon olive oil


Take one cooking medium size pot and put olive oil and heat medium heat on stove top then add the onions to saute', add the acorn diced squash and add salt. Then wait til onion cooked tender and add the berbare spice with fish and coconut milk and cook about 20 minutes. Service with rice.

Easy and simple recipe that feeds 2 people. If you have 4 or 6 as you would double if 4 people and 6 as you would triple the quantities. Enjoy. Picture Gift Habeshaw by @addis adeba ethiopia


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