
Mar 30, 2020
Creating your Boundaries with Tiger Medicine and Durga
Dear Ones; There is no magic to what you are seeing right now. It is a time to go within. Find a spot in your home, a corner, a place you...

Mar 28, 2020
Closed for Spiritual Maintenance for April 2020
My Dear Ones; I hope you are taking time to see those pulling through this challenging time with the Coronavirus. I wish you much healthy...

Mar 19, 2020
Intimacy in Difficult Times
By Blue Thunder Hello Lovers of Life; Seems that the Coronavirus can encourage quality family time and intimacy whether married or not....

Mar 17, 2020
Due to the Coronavirus - Services are Temporarily Paused
Dear Ones; Your health and well-being is important to me. I will cease services and session temporarily until the Coronavirus is ceased....

Mar 15, 2020
Meatless Meatballs - Gluten/Egg/Diary Free
Blue Thunder aka Take one packet of beyond meatless ground or take any meatless ground Take 2 Tablespoons...

Mar 14, 2020
Beer batter cod and sage w fufu dumplings and gravy meal
By Blue Thunder Hello since people bought out the chicken ; I purchased some cod and haddock fish. Gluten free beer and gluten free flour...

Mar 13, 2020
Oneness is not a Memory ....Reality! By Blue Thunder repost 3/19
3/13/19 Oneness channeling the White Buffalo Woman by Blue Thunder It was an honor have you all breath like a ocean wave and grounding...

Mar 13, 2020
Keep Positive
By Blue Thunder Keep positive, sensible and know your immune system. Instead of worry, take precautions and show some love by not...

Mar 13, 2020
Anxiety Management with Balance
By Blue Thunder One of my dear ones had anxiety. We all know that feeling. However, the virus going round shouldn't have your attention...

Mar 13, 2020
Footsteps Back to You
By Blue Thunder Don't wait for someone to make you strong. Believe in yourself and the progress you've made. Can't measure the growth of...