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Signs from Above by Blue Thunder Healing

Have you ever seen a number in triplicate or fours over and over again either in time, on a license plate or a number announced by random stranger on the radio? Have you felt that your prayers are listened to by your Pure Light Helpers and felt a connection or heard a voice or voices announce their presence in Pure Light to assist you? If you are uncertain, please ask if they come in pure light or feel of the light. Appearances are tricky but the Pure Light will have no hesitation to answer "Yes." We have a spiritual entourage with us at all times to get up and be the Divinity and almighty right to exist and participate in the global theatre we call Earth. Our soul is expanding and we just have to believe we make a difference, our voice is important, our vote, our participation and responsibility to own up to things we contribute to by not taking a stand without violence, with education, dialogue to regain a harmony with each other.

The High Priest from the (Bible) Book of Samuel appeared to me named "Eli." He was a High Priest and Israelite and mentored and raised Samuel. Samuel heard things from God and Eli helped to guide him. It is unfortunate the Eli's sons were not of purity and compassion and this was their own downfall to their family. He announced his presence and told me he had to real with me. (This is the way I talk and chuckle because Divinity knows your 'language' you use for yourself and to others). So he told me as I was trying to detox my body to get real and no more caffeine items and sugar, dairy, and soy with gluten items if I wanted to heal. I agreed. I am tested as my Lover/Husband makes me a cafecito every morning taking a sip and then throwing down the drain. He just can't make it for one. I let my Love know of Eli's visitation and Ascended Master Jesus agreed and Eli helped me weigh a struggle with past life connection healing is done and that some folks don't have good intentions because they don't love themselves to be honest, vulnerable and heal and just see it from dark and light. You may love a person to assist in their healing but you and the other are not committed for life. If it is clear, their intentions are just carnal and or survival mode; you don't need to respond in kind in the same energy and become lost in this and be honest. Catch yourself; have you given over to someone with unconditional love in pure intentions of commitment of best self and hoping for the best? Have you been frustrated and try harder with good intent maybe they will sway? If they clearly haven't changed to a light intention with self healing; clearly they do not want to change no matter how much you flash the Light on them; it may make them squint without the work for themselves they need to do and reject the message/healing. It was enlightening and Ascended Master Jesus was agreeing again. I am blessed to hear this and see and feel purity in messages and humbly share this with those who believe beyond just Earth connections.

Have you created harmony but your actions display otherwise? For example, placing a person in the company with a stranger and separating them from the group you are in to learn/work with... that doesn't equate harmony. Harmony is when you try to see other angles of the person and the community you are in. If you point out that one doesn't exist and try to get positive support...what you may have rejected is your biggest ally. Harmony comes with unity and you cannot downplay another human being to be claiming neighborliness some of the time when convenient. NIMBY is the way to disunity, separation, to implore others to rally against another is not harmony nor community or unity. There are those who will smile at you in the company of others to prove they are inclusive but actions outside the room are avoidance and rejection and ignoring your neighbor is conflicting. Causing injury to someone's reputation is ill use of energy and a need to self explore why you are not in harmony with yourself, your thoughts, your body, your mind and let your soul live as if heaven exists on earth I say. Hey but I am only human and just typing this blog because I felt inspired. I hope you are inspired. Remain vigilant in consistent harmonic behavior at all times as possible and correct yourself when listening or passing gossip to damage another; it may be a self inner reflection of what work you need to do before continuing on the path of loneliness.

I have been seeing 444 and 333 angelic numbers. I am grateful for the Ascended Masters, Angels, High Vibration Beings no matter who I am in this body, gender, orientation of many sorts that I am given sage advise to be better for me and to align with those who truly know how to connect to themselves and others in being honest and real. Celebrating harmony, unity and community with imperfections and unconditional love; may you always feel the presence of the Light you are and the Love you come from and hold within. Radiate my Friend. Much Love.


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