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Taking Time for Gratitude for Yourself - a Self Check

Take the time to appreciate what you are and align with people in positive movement. Remember, when you love yourself - you cannot be another person, you cannot have their life, their vibration or their gifts. All of us are unlimited creative beings from the Divine. You are a part of the Divine so you cannot devalue yourself and forget yourself. You have a space on this earth and the Creator has Pure Light Helpers coaxing you on, guarding you and protecting you and supporting you. Call upon them because we've got no time for pitty parties and no drama and no fear. We have heart centered space within to share in unity a common goal is transformation in the Light. We come from the earth and we will return but also when this occurs; we come from the Light and so we will return. Be a positive vibration and learn from each other appreciating others when you have found you. Look into the mirror and see the beauty of the infinite possibility you are as we all are. We are deserving of all that is good if we call to it. No more doubt, no more procrastination and no more regrets. The time is now and go forward. Much much love and prayers to you and your self transformations into the Light. Let it embrace and be you as you are a unique vibrations of many possibilities. Do not be less be more of a person you'd like to hang out with. LOL.


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