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Violet Flame Prayer for All Universes

The Violet Flame enfold my Beloved, Elisabeth Scherer, Raymond Carol McClure and family, Alberto Roman, Haseena Peera and Jeff Peera, all connected to them and extended Eternal Souls in Heaven and Earth and Maui and all spots of the Universe and other Universes come into peace transformational healing in Light and wholeness even to Reverend Tim and any and all challenged emotionally, mentally, physically, psychically and soulfully bringing back to a world functioning in harmony, compassion, peace and love especially ONENESS. Love you Eternal Soul. Freedom with ease and no disease, no addiction no harm and be the High Vibration you are. At a park where the dragonflies, hummingbirds and butterflies with bees welcome and spend time with me. Love you so Mother Earth and all relations. Salute to my teachers great and small but filled with heart and discernment protection wishes and understand responsibility. Function from embrace all ages, culture, religions and spirituality and gender and being-ness. The bullfrog announces the celebration of light and the cardinal chirped welcome beckoned me to play my bowl on and didgeridoo for all to heal. Much eternal gratitude being called out from my internal storm into the peaceful light meditation of stillness. May you walk in compassion, harmony truth and oneness. Don’t let ego play with your mind or vice versa and remove the veils of isolation and acknowledgment your progress and walk in divinity and dignity and see all in this Light. Blessings.


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